Saturday, January 2, 2010


“The name of the LORD
is a strong tower:
the righteous run into it,
and are safe.”
Proverbs 18:10 KJV

Life all around us keeps changing – things and bodies grow older and wear out, but “The Name of the LORD” doesn’t change, it remains “a strong Tower” of protection forever!

In ancient days, towers and castles were built on high places to provide protection against plundering invaders. When the alarm was sounded announcing an approaching enemy, people would as quickly as possible, get into the tower for safety. Because the tower was difficult to conquer, the invaders would usually move on to an easier target.

As believers in Christ, we have been made right with God (righteous) and that makes us prime targets for the enemy of our soul. As always, this New Year will not be an exception, he will be on the prowl day and night looking for opportunities “to steal and kill and destroy.”

Let’s not be fooled into thinking we can fight him off on our own. The only way we can be safe from Satan’s assault, is by trusting in “The name of the LORD,” which represents all that God is.

Whatever assaults may come our way in 2010, if we run into the strong tower of the LORD’s name, we will be safe!!

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