Saturday, April 10, 2010


“In his grace,
God has given us different gifts
for doing certain things well.”
Romans 12:6a NLT

We may have watched someone perform a very complicated task with ease, or listened to an instrumentalist or vocalist performing with exceptional skill, and thought, “I could never do that.” While that may be true, the good news is we are not responsible for other people’s gifts.

God has created us with specific abilities to accomplish the purpose he has for our life. “So if God has given you the ability to prophesy, speak out with as much faith as God has given you. If your gift is serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, teach well. If your gift is to encourage others, be encouraging. If it is giving, give generously. If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously. And if you have a gift for showing kindness to others, do it gladly.” Romans 12:6b-8

Our gifts are those God-given abilities which we enjoy using to bless others. They may be different from other people’s gifts, but they are in no way superior or inferior in the eyes of the one who gave them. So we must guard against the temptation of comparing gifts. God knows which gifts are best suited for our personality, and will enable us to do well what he wants to accomplish through us.

No one is left empty handed. Everyone is gifted in some way, and all of us have the privilege and responsibility to discover, develop, and use those gifts to serve others. As we faithfully use our gifts, we experience a deep sense of satisfaction and fulfillment, and bring glory to the giver.

1 comment:

Patty@Heaven said...

Your post it's so encouraging to me!
Almost all my life I've believed that I was good for nothing, then I married a man with many gifts and all his siblings have many gifts and some of them are using their gifts to serve the Lord.
I always thought that God will be mad at me for not serving Him the way my husband and his family was serving Him.
I always thought that I was less worthy of God's love for not having a gift.

One day talking to someone at my church made me realized that "Yes" I have a gift, that is teaching in Sunday School, little children listen to me and they like me. How do I know they like me? some times they come to me just to give me a huge and one day this boy came with a flower and gave it to me.
Putting all these things together I realized that that's my gift "teach the little ones"

One day Pastor's wife gave me the opportunity to teach at the Women Breakfast, of course the enemy was telling me that I wasn't good enough for that, because I speak with an accent and that these ladies won't listen to me because I'm short and brown :-( well, after I was done, some ladies came to me to tell me that I'd make them think of where they stand regarding to their walk with the Lord! and the next day at church some other ladies approached me to let me know how much they had receive from my teaching.
I was so happy that this time I didn't listen to the enemy and since then I've been involved in most of the activities at my church and the use of my gift is getting easier and easier now.

Now I realize that I needed to have a better relation ship with God and study the word more, to be able to teach others.

God bless both of you and thanks for your posts.