Saturday, August 16, 2008


Jesus Christ is the same
yesterday, today, and forever.
Hebrews 13:8 NLT


We live in a changing world. Most of us don’t live in the state, let alone the community we grew up in. Remember the first time you went back after you had been gone for many years? You couldn’t believe how the place had changed. While some landmarks were the same – but so much had changed, it really wasn’t the same place. It wasn’t like “old times.”

I have gone “back home” many times over the years to visit family. So often things looked different and the family had become smaller. Over the past fifty some years, my parents and all of my seven brothers and sisters have gone to be with the Lord. However, I still have a number of nieces and nephews and a cousin to visit when I go “back home.”

Donna took me to her High School Reunion several years ago. I had never been to one before, and to my amazement, they were all old people! Dah!! I guess I also had gotten older.

Besides places and people getting older, a lot of other things have changed as well. Values have changed. Some practices that were unthinkable several decades ago have become politically correct. Since sin has entered into this world, natural things deteriorate and die. People in their fallen state, separated from God, are going their own way – away from God and His standards and changing for the worse.

Of course, change in and of its self isn’t bad. Some change is good and indeed necessary when it is a change to comply with God’s ways. A major change took place in our lives when we were born again. And we continue to need to change in order to become more like Jesus. He has been perfect from all eternity. He has always been the one and only way to the Father – He is now and always will be. He has always been Savior and Lord – is now and always will be. He has always been God - is now and always will be. Like the written Word of God, Jesus, the Living Word of God, never changes. We can fully trust Him with body, mind and soul both now and forever.

In 1890 Albert B. Simpson wrote:

“Yesterday, today, forever,
Jesus is the same.
All may change, but Jesus never!
Glory to His Name!
Glory to His Name!
Glory to His Name!
All may change, but Jesus never!
Glory to His Name!
James H. Burke set it to the music we are familiar with.

Let’s Pray-
Father, we can never thank you enough for the assurance that our Savior is always the same, no matter what we are going through. We choose to rest in His unchanging love and grace!

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1 comment:

Jim Walter said...

Thanks!!! I have been encouraged. I recently visited one of my early life homes (my parents were pastors)and indeed things had changed. But God whom I prayed to then is the same today as He was over 50 years ago