Saturday, September 1, 2012


“Don’t just listen to God’s word.
You must do what it says.
Otherwise, you are only
fooling yourselves.”
James 1:22 NLT

I have been studying and sharing the Scriptures, in one way or another, for more than fifty years. It has been a wonderful God-given privilege. It has transformed my life and the lives of many who received the teaching. But I have a confession to make. In studying the Word, I often saw passages as something other people needed to hear and obey. And to be perfectly frank, my mindset is still somewhat that way. I read a passage in the Bible or an article in a Christian magazine or website, and right off I see how it applies to someone else, and then only later realize – hey, I need to apply that to my life! Does that ever happen to you, or am I the only one who does that?

Most of us who go to church regularly love to hear good teaching and preaching of the Word. While it is comforting and reassuring, it also informs us of what we should and should not be doing. In Psalms David says, Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.” God’s Word reveals dangerous obstacles so we can avoid them, and it clearly illumines the right path to take. However, seeing what to do is not the same as doing it. As this week’s Scripture says, “You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves.” Wow, that really hits us where we live. The greater understanding we have of the Word , the more responsible we are to live by it.

Jesus says, “Why do you keep calling me ‘Lord, Lord!’ when you don’t do what I say? I will show you what it’s like when someone comes to me, listens to my teaching, and then follows it. It is like a person building a house who digs deep and lays the foundation on solid rock. When the floodwaters rise and break against that house, it stands firm because it is well built. But anyone who hears and doesn’t obey is like a person who builds a house without a foundation. When the floods sweep down against that house, it will collapse into a heap of ruins.” The part of our life which doesn’t obey the Lord suffers ruin. I see that as applying to my life as well as yours.
“When we walk with the Lord
      in the light of His Word,
What a glory He sheds on our way!
While we do His good will,
He abides with us still,
And with all who will trust and obey.

Trust and obey,
for there’s no other way
To be happy in Jesus,
but to trust and obey.”
John H. Sammis

 Turn up your sound and click on Trust and Obey to enjoy this interesting rendition. 

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