Saturday, May 9, 2009


Her children stand and bless her.
Her husband praises her.”
Proverbs 31:28 NLT

Depending on what stage of life you are in - Mother's Day can have various expressions. It could be breakfast in bed for her – dinner out – family gathering – a new crayon scribbled note “I love you Mom” on the refrigerator door – an hour long phone call from kids who couldn’t make it home for the special day.

We honor Mothers not only because they brought us into this world, but also, and probably more importantly, for the influence they are or have been in our lives. For most of us, the values we live by were imparted to us by our Mother. Traditionally she spent most of her time with the children while they were growing up. So it’s only natural that her values would impact ours. I know that’s what happened in my life. My Mother’s love for me as a child and as a wayward teenager had a very positive impact on me. I couldn’t get away from her prayers, which I am convinced, drew me to her Lord.

I spent very little time with our children as they were growing up, apart from “Family Nights” and telling them silly stories at bedtime. It was Donna who poured her life into our three children. She was a “stay at home Mom” throughout their school years. We really could have used a second income – things were financially very tight for us! Besides being able to greet the children when they came home from school, we all enjoyed her cooking around the supper table. It was also Donna who was the one who read Bible stories to the children every night and prayed with them. As a result, she had the privilege of leading all three of them to the Lord at an early age. Today they are serving the Lord and raising their children to do the same. “Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.” Proverbs 22:6

I realize times have changed, and there are a lot fewer “stay at home Moms” than there used to be. In fact, “stay at home Dads” are on the increase. For the most part, people have chosen a life style which takes two incomes to maintain. And now in this financial recession, times are especially difficult. I would encourage you to do whatever it takes to give Moms with young children the opportunity to demonstrate a Godly life before them. Some things may just have to be left undone so she can have the time to share the love of Jesus with them while they are still receptive. It will pay good dividends. “They will stand and bless her. Her husband praises her.”

Let’s Pray –
Father, thank you for Godly Mothers who have impacted our lives for time and eternity. And Father, give grace to Moms in these difficult times to pass on Godly values to their children.

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