Love never gives up,
never loses faith,
is always hopeful
and endures
through every circumstance.
I Corinthians 13:7 NLT

“I love you truly, truly dear,
Life with its sorrow,
life with its tears
Fades into dreams
when I feel you are near
For I love you truly, truly dear.
Ah! Love, 'tis something
to feel your kind hand
Ah! Yes, 'tis something
by your side to stand;
Gone is the sorrow,
gone doubt and fear
For you love me truly, truly dear."
By – Carrie Jacobs Bond
Life with its sorrow,
life with its tears
Fades into dreams
when I feel you are near
For I love you truly, truly dear.
Ah! Love, 'tis something
to feel your kind hand
Ah! Yes, 'tis something
by your side to stand;
Gone is the sorrow,
gone doubt and fear
For you love me truly, truly dear."
By – Carrie Jacobs Bond
As I looked at today’s key verse, it struck me that every phrase implies action - never gives up - never loses faith - always hopeful endures through. Words of love are precious, and wonderfully heart- warming, but only when loving words are followed up by loving deeds is true love expressed. I know Paul is referring here to church members loving each other, but certainly these words also apply to husband and wife and family relationships.
In every family there are times of friction and disagreements – some may be short lived others may linger. True love doesn’t give up it keeps on working on a solution. It’s ready to forgive – make changes – and even make painful sacrifices – it doesn’t lose hope – it endures through every circumstance.
Love is best expressed when we focus more on the needs of others and less on our own desires. If we really are being honest, we have to admit that can be a challenge at times. We need help, and the Lord has lovingly provided that help as we see in Romans 5:5 -- For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love. With His love in our hearts it becomes possible for us to love Him and each other in every circumstance.
by the Gaither Vocal Band